Monday, March 07, 2005

Greetings, Earthlings

Another long hiatus for me... apologies to those who have complained. Excuses that come this time round are:
1) the lack of a personal computer to hog for hours on end
2) a preference to log events in a different medium
3) events that have transpired over the last coupla months resulting in a lack of cheer summat

... Take your pick. :)

Actually, the last reason provided is something like a double-edged sword - during the said time, I was torn between wanting to vent in every form possible (which would've resulted in long, incoherent posts) and wanting to keep everything within.

So I chose the path of greater discretion.

And now, the third month into the year - it's all good.

I'll be back to vent soon... and what with family, heat, rabid dogs and lack of food all kicking in within the first 12 hours, it won't be a long wait. :)

. o O declared Lid at 7:24:00 PM

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