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Tuesday, June 15, 2004 |
Sonic Boom of a WeekendA long weekend has passed - and it was a good one. There was even a birthda y celebration thrown in - which is always fun. Yes, it was Funke Addeh's birthday, and a group of us gathered at Kim Chi (in the city now - you've gone far, old friend ;) ) for a Korean feast, after which we proceeded to Amber Lounge for the night celebrations. It was good to have a gang get-together again, albeit with most of the crowd being somewhat new faces... it's always nice to see the group together, yunno? Even though the evening ended with leg cramps, and of course, there must be the requisite mention of my jacket getting somewhat messed up... nonetheless, I daresay we had quite a bit of fun. :) Saturday saw me waking up at 10 bleeding A.M. to insistent door buzzings - which Lem so blatantly ignored, slut that he is... and as I had a fairly good idea as to who it would be, I thought opening the door and then diving back under the covers would have been good enough. But... No. Instead, I hear the phrase I swear I hate the most in the entire world, chirped (yes, chirped) right through my doorway: "Good Morning!" Accompanying this, of course, is the merry sound of Macca's paperbag crackling (yes, Macca paperbag crackles differently from others - don't challenge me on this). Now, I should highlight the fact that I am one to practise fairness, and therefore will kindly grant a first-time-to-those-unknowing reprieve to Good Morning chirpers. It doesn't happen very often, of course - but when food is brought along as a buffer, it does make me feel a lil' bit more kindly. Strange phenomenon, that... Plus, of course, it makes it so very difficult to scream blue murder at people who are really honestly so sincerely nice. You would have thought that 1.5 years of staying with Gwen would have toughened me up in dealings with such people, but - argh. It obviously takes more. :( I'm being put to the severe test here, what with the whole neighbourhood filled with people who live and breathe Nice. Can I give examples? - freshly-baked quiches being brought over. Dinner being cooked and served right at your own home. Desserts being whipped at the slightest request. (Notice how easily I get won over by food - I'm an official food-whore). I still can't quite grasp this concept - as observed recently yesterday arvo, when I went to the girls' place, only to get (gently) chastised for not bringing over the BKT... This whole Nice business really befuddles me. :P At this point in time, take a moment of silence to observe the tragic demise of the theory of "nice people end up being losers". For I am obviously at the losing end here. ;) Anyway, I digress (yet again). So there Mabel was, waving around fresh Big Brekkas. With that buffer, I was able to stick one hand out from under the covers and wave her to the direction of the other unsuspecting victim, all with the ongoing rant: "Lem, Lem, Lem, Lem, Lem". And to my gleeful relief, I listened as she took up the directions happily, bursting into Lem's room with the same chirp, only to be followed by... silence. I suspect she was put down rather quickly. The rest of Saturday was pretty cool too - church with all three girlfriends, and GT as a pleasant addition. We had inferior roast duck at Rock Kung for dinner, after which we all became cool and went to Fitzroy for a coffee session with Eugene and Gris. Even with halitosis plaguing the night, it was pleasant... and of course, cool. :) Then we moved on back to our place, where 4 hours of frantic Pictionary ensued. After hands became claws, genitals came up from the side view and hedgehogs transformed to cats, we decided to call it a day. Sunday saw me having a wonderful time at IKEA together with Leong, Wendy and Shih Yang. Although my ears were virtually bleeding from all the swear words uttered during those few short hours, it was supremely fun spending those few hours with them... their sense of warped humour is always right up my alley, and one of the few things I miss. So that was good. :) Then, another pig-out session - this time at Yamagata restaurant, with the legendary Japanese buffet. I've had many good times there, so it was awesome to have the whole group gather there - complete with the Lonestar Cowboy and the Labrose. Even the ever-so-supremely-bad service there didn't dampen people's spirits... and of course, the night had to end with the requisite KTV session, complete with highly ingenious drinking games and puzzling Cantonese slang being slung out. I even had the extra bonus of seeing Jeff sing. Words fail me at this point in time. :) Sleeping in on Monday was nice, especially when there was a housemate for me to annoy out of slumber. I also got to speak to an old friend for two hours on the phone - which made me really happy. I've missed doing that... see, with the change of environment and setting, Ive recently lost a regular phone companion. So it was honestly awesome to relocate another old one. :) After mundane house chores, the weekend ended with a leisure home dinner - sumptuous (see, I say it's sumptuous!) BKT and Kiam Chai. There was even grass jelly dessert thrown in - and with a surprise bonus of quiche, I was blown away. Add in the fact that none of these dishes were prepared by yours truly, and you will understand why I was a happy FF. This week looks to be quiet - but after a eventful weekend, one can hardly complain, eh? (And I know this post is long - but hey, it spans four frigging days. Employ some understanding. :) ) . o O declared Lid at 7:46:00 PM |
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