Saturday, October 23, 2004

I'm Never Eating Again

8 hours since the Bibster came back - welcome hugs (with Lembib-style enhancement : "Eh, you shrunk ar?")

And already there is a new term let on the loose: "fighs".

Not to mention the passing remark: "Eh, you gained weight leh" - followed by a scrutiny, with the thoughtful comment: "... about 3 kg la, I think."

(Amazing how he could state this with such alleged accuracy - when two hours later during breakfast, he'd make the blithe comment that he was very bad at estimating weight. Puzzling... to say the least. :p)

But the guy does seem somewhat more mellow la - guessing that the month away did do him good. TLC from girls, cultural education, mediocre food, recounting of stories at a certain hapless victim's expense, sweat without working out...

And - ladies and gentlemen, we have a budding metrosexual in the house... well. A bud struggling to grow out of its former weed of a fashion sense.

(At this point, comes a well-timed disclaimer: this comes purely from personal observation - merely from the wrist adornments. Think beads, candy-striped wristbands ("original one leh") and new watches. I didn't let the China tourist t-shirt affect this conclusion in any way, honestly.)

As mentioned, it's been 8 hours... and already, I'm exhausted. :p

Welcome back, housemate. ;)

. o O declared Lid at 5:30:00 PM

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