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Thursday, February 26, 2004 |
Too many people bitch if I don't update my blog enough. Apparently it's become a 'quarterly submission' thing. Thing is, I really hate the blog layout - it was too bloody pink.
Now, after much headaches, I've finally changed it. Still not completely satisfied, but I'll make the eensy final changes as I go along. Having done the requisite explanations, I'll launch right right into it.. Ash Wednesday just came and went. For all those not in the know, I'm a cradle Catholic. I had water poured on my head in a Catholic church, attended weekly Cathecism classes, knew all the recitations to be made in Mass (and still do) and now that I'm back home, still get deprived of meat on Fridays (just for the home meals - nonetheless, I'm still good at sneaking in forbidden food... Gwen, say OY here!) =) K, bit of explanation done. Now the complaints. I have no idea why Masses are conducted at frigging 6:30a.m. EVER. I mean, priests just don't sleep, do they? And most of the Kuching Catholic congregation too, it seems - my parents included. :( Was dragged out of bed at 5:40a.m. After sitting on the bed blearily for 5 mins, the roosters woke and started crowing. (Here, the right line of thought should be: "oh, the poor girl woke before the roosters. ". NOT "wahahaha, the girl has roosters in her backyard!!". FOCUS.) (Tho point to note: the roosters belong to my neighbours, not us.) (... Why do I even bother.) So got ready for church, and sat grumpily in the car. The cathedral carpark had a bare handful of cars - which gave me leave to stare balefully at my parents and point out logically that people do not wake up (before roosters do) to go to church . But this was wrong. Seated in the pews, eyes still adjusting to the light, I saw a steady trickle of adults and kids (most in school uniform) enter from all sides into the cathedral - most of them being late, of course. It's the virus of this place - so you guys can't blame me anymore. :) Then as the service started, my mind slooowwwllly registered that "uhm, I don't really understand what they are droning over the mic". It was a Mandarin mass. Pain personified. Do you guys know that even "Amen" uttered in Mandarin has different intonations from the English version? I got nothing said right in that Mass. :( So after the first half, I just gave up and exercised my superpower ability to sleep with my eyes open. No one was the wiser - hehe (I think). Luckily for them, my family members all knew that I was not exactly the brilliant conversationalist sort in the mornings. So I got brought back to home, to my bed, to continue my slumber - and all this was accomplished before the clock struck 8. Hope you guys had a better week. :) . o O declared Lid at 7:50:00 PM |
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