Monday, September 13, 2004 |
Now, if I had been 5 hours earlier in putting up this blog, the title would have been 'Corn Beef'.
But that option has since been taken away from me, cuz some wench has posted bout the incident before I could get to a computer, opportunist that he is. Harrr-rmph. So what does that leave me with? Nothing much, really. I don't know what I can write about to amuse you guys at the moment. And I'm not really in that melancholic a mood either, so it can't be one of those touchy-feely posts. At least, not for now. An idea will pop up eventually. But for now, Lem's finally out of the toilet, so I can safely go take my dump. Phew. ;) Later! . o O declared Lid at 7:21:00 PM |
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