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Tuesday, August 10, 2004 |
Counting my Blessings
I like to think of myself as one not given to emotional overdrive (of the heartfelt kind la). So in effect, it sometimes becomes difficult to tell people what I want to say. Someone once told me that if I found it difficult to express it in person, then I should just write it out – so here goes: Adeline & Mabel – my everpresent neighbours. The amount of lectures, morning calls, rushed lunches, walks, Chinese songs, Vodka shots, bruises, hypothermia, nail fashion mistakes and bitchings we’ve managed to squeeze into my 2.5 months here… nothing short of a cosmic impossibility – but having made it thus far, I daresay we have brought the concept of community living to new boundaries… Erm. :P I honestly think that without you guys, I’d only be half-alive today. You guys are my lifeline here. Comprehende? J Gwen - my long-suffering friend. J One who, despite my protests, gives me way too much in terms of credit and faith… probably cuz she knows that without it, I’d falter that little bit more in my decisions, big or small. If only you knew what a stronghold you were in my life, babe. ;) GT – the tough-as-nails friend. Someone who has probably seen me through my worst mistakes – and still decided to stay on speaking terms with me. ;) Believe me, that kinda character trait is commendable. :P It would take a novel to detail all that we’ve been through… suffice to say, I’ll love this friend to my death. Lyn - *grin* A permanent fixture in my Melbourne memories. She has –no- idea how much grief she’s caused me – if for no other reason, purely cuz of the people she’s introduced into my life. ;) She knows all my good traits, and definitely all of my bad ones (some of which I, strangely, don’t even know myself). My bitching mate. No greater bond. ;) Gris &Choo – They bake quiches and cheesecakes for those they know can never reciprocate such favours (well, if we’re being specific today – this is only in reference to yours truly)… not with their best interests at heart anyhow. :P Choo with her (flailing) faith in her gym followers… Gris and her tireless efforts to prevent my premature death at the slopes. I dunno how they make people as nice as these. Honestly. Tanny – one of them blessings Lyn brought to me, this guy is very possibly one of the sweetest guys I know… and one who (I suspect) overdoses on youth elixir. Hell, he’s known me the longest amongst all the guys here in Melbourne, yet I can safely say that he somehow finds the least reason to tease me mercilessly. ;) A true gem. Mil – one whose image never fails to make me smile. Adorable in appearance, genuine in personality – the wind-ups go back a long way. ;) I don’t get quite many of his jokes, yet he makes me laugh anyhow. I dun really know why’s that… but it’s good enough reason to make him a keeper. ;) Reg – another one who goes back a long way. :P A friendship formed from constant quarrels, and solidified with many many phone hours. ;) Tho’ I’d never have imagined myself saying this then – I’m glad we started the friendship the way we did – using up all the bickering hours early on. ;) Now we just have mature adult conversation. Cough. Lemuel – my friendship with this one is also another cosmic accident. I view this one as my kindred spirit, who also plays the dual role as my housemate. We bicker almost on a weekly basis, but yet when push comes to shove, would still somehow be my singular strength here. He becomes the one who somehow reads me better than anyone else (which is bloody annoying, I tell you). And and the end of the day – admittedly or not, becomes so very important to me. … I don’t really keep track of who reads this blog… but I’m guessing that from the frequency this blog is updated, only the persistent and faithful friends would return. ;) So to the friends who read this - thank you for making my birthday so complete. Thank you for expressing your affections to me in many varied ways. ;) Thank you for the tokens – the gifts, the surprises, the teasing, the hugs, the tolerance, the (usually ill-suppressed) laughter. You guys made it an amazing birthday for me. Truly. :) Argh... I’ve only managed to cover those friends in Australia sia. Here, I’ll just pretend that the traffic for this site is confined nationally. Yah. :P Grin. Truth is – I need to sleep now. It’s late. I’ll try to heap on more emotional overdrive tomorrow or summat. For now, just know I love all you guys to bits and buttons. For now - it's g'nite. :)
. o O declared Lid at 12:58:00 PM |
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